I was interested to learn from a Co-op Funeral Service survey that 'most Britons will suffer their first loss of a loved one by the time they are 21-years-old'. The Childhood Bereavement Network (CBN) estimate that around one in 29 school-age children have been bereaved of a parent or sibling – that’s roughly one per class.
Learning about loss, is an article on the website of the National Children's Bureau helping schools to think about how they can tackle dying and bereavement within their curriculum. The resources below will help you deal with these issues.
Learning about Loss (National Children's Bureau)
Managing a sudden death in the school community (LGfL)
Responding to a death that is suspected to be a suicide (Samaritans)
Talking about death with your little one (CBeebies)
How to support a bereaved child (Video, Child Bereavement UK)
What helps grieving children and young people (pdf)
Books for younger children
Frog and the Birdsong by Max Velthuijs (Picture Book)
Benny’s Hat by Juliet Clare Bell and Dave Gray (Picture Book)
Badger's Parting Gifts by Susan Varley (Picture Book)
Top 10 children's books on death and bereavement (Guardian)
Books for teenagers about death and grief (Marie Curie)
St Albans and District Bereavement Network have listed many available resources in this pdf, which includes links for death after suicide, murder, road accidents and the loss of a baby:
Explaining Bereavement to children with autism (National Autistic Society)
Websites and Charities
Child Bereavement UK: https://childbereavementuk.org
Child Bereavement Network: http://www.childhoodbereavementnetwork.org.uk/
Marie Curie: https://www.mariecurie.org.uk/
Winston’s Wish: https://www.winstonswish.org/
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