At Ryefield Primary School we are proud to have been awarded the Gold Level award in the Sainsbury's School Games for 2017-2018 for the third consecutive year. In order to achieve the Gold Level, we had show that we have achieved the following criteria:
- provide all students with two hours of physical education and school sport per week (made up of curricular and extracurricular activity)
- engage at least 35% of students (10% for special schools) in extracurricular sporting activity every week
- have a system in place to track young people’s participation in the Sainsbury’s School Games
- offer opportunities that attract less active young people to participate in physical activity
- use the Sainsbury’s School Games formats to provide the opportunity for both boys and girls to take part in the appropriate level of competition. NB boys only or girls only for single-sex schools
- use the Sainsbury’s School Games formats to provide the opportunity through inter-school competition (Level 2) for both boys and girls to take part in ‘B’ -team standard competition
- hold a Sainsbury’s School Games Day as the culmination of a year-round competition programme
- offer a calendar of competition that demonstrates opportunities for young people with SEND to take part in competitions
- have a notice board promoting Sainsbury’s School Games activity
- promote the Sainsbury’s School Games to parents and the local community at least once every half term
- regularly feature match reports and competition results on the school website and in the local press
- engage at least 10% of students in leading, managing and officiating Sainsbury’s School Games activity
- engage students in the planning and development of Sainsbury’s School Games activity
- utilise sports coaches to support school sport
- have active links with at least three local sports clubs