
Vanguard Learning Trust
All schools within the Trust operate as one legal entity with a single board of trustees. Although the schools retain their individual identities and their own local governing bodies, the board of trustees has responsibility to ensure the vision and values of the Trust are lived up to at each school. It also ensures that each local governing body is held accountable for the highest levels of teaching and learning within their schools.

The key Trust roles are as follows:
Chair of the Board of Trustees: Mr Peter Davies
Vice-Chair of the Board of Trustees: Mr David Trood
Acting Chair of the Trust’s Finance and Resources Committee : Mr Peter Davies
Chair of the Trust’s Audit, Compliance and Risk Committee: Mr Andy Sykes
Chair of the Trust's Strategy Committee: Cllr Eddie Lavery
Chair of the Trust’s Curriculum and Standards Committee: Mr Kim Rowe
Chair of the Chairs' Forum: Cllr Eddie Lavery
Lead-trustee for safeguarding and Chair of the Safeguarding Forum: Pauline Nixon

The Trust’s Chief Executive Officer and Accounting Officer is Dr Martina Lecky.

Full details of Vanguard Learning Trust’s governance arrangements, as well as copies of the statutory accounts and Articles of Association can be found on the governance page of the Trust’s website (click here).

Each school within the Trust continues to have a Local Governing Body, whose role it is to work in close partnership with the local Headteacher, staff, parents, students and wider stakeholder community to develop a positive, successful, creative and supportive learning environment for the specific group of students at each school.

The main duties of each Local Governing Body are to:

Set the strategic direction, policies and objectives of the school
Set appropriate targets for student achievement at each Key Stage
Set the school's budget (trustees approve)
Approve the school development plan and self-evaluation form
Review progress against the school's budget and objectives
Challenge and support the Headteacher