Daily Routines

Morning Drop Off

The school gates open at 8.00. The classroom doors open at 8.20am and will close at 8.30am.

Late for Morning Drop Off

If you arrive after 8.30am, please take your child to the office to sign your child/ren in explaining the reason for any lateness and pick up a ‘Late Card’. This is essential so we know your child has arrived safely at school.

Afternoon Pick Up

At the end of the school day, the school gates open to parents at 2.50pm for you to pick up your children at 3.00 pm. (KS1) & 3:10pm (KS2)

Teachers in Year 5 & 6 will open their designated doors for collection at home time. Responsibility is handed over to the parent or responsible adult once you have been identified and the child has been given permission to leave.

Children in Nursery to Year 4 will assemble in their classroom whilst parents or responsible adults assemble at the classroom door. Children are called individually once the adult collecting a child has been identified.

Late for Afternoon Pick Up

If you are running late, please call the School Office so we can inform your child’s teacher. Equally, if another adult is collecting your child, please inform the School Office or your Class Teacher.

Children who have not been collected by 3.30pm are taken to the Late Room where they are registered by the member of staff. Parents are called and a record of the time they are collected is recorded.

Children Walking Home Alone

Children in Year 5 and 6 may walk home alone from school, however parental permission is required in writing. Permission forms are available from the School Office.


There is no parking on site at the school, the surrounding roads have limited parking restrictions.

Parking spaces are always limited at pick up and drop off, so ideally, please try to use alternative means of transport. Please be aware that blocking the road outside the school can be very dangerous and upsets local residence and other parents.