Egg-citing news!

It all started with a small clutch of eggs discovered on the KS1 playground. 

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What had laid them?  Nobody knew.

Where had they come from?  Nobody knew.

What lay inside?  Nobody knew.

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Mr Tucker took them into his office, placed them in a tin which was  lined with cotton wool and left them on his windowsill to incubate. 

hatched egg2

After a while one of the eggs started to wiggle and jiggle to and fro.  It was as if whatever had been growing inside this strange egg was trying to get out.  

The next morning, Mr Tucker returned to his office and was amazed to see that one of the eggs had hatched.  How incredible!  Whatever had emerged from the broken shell could not be found, much to the concern of the school governors.  However we were fortunate that Dave the Dinosaur Wrangler was coming to visit us on the 30 April to teach children in Y1, Y2 and Y3 about fossils.  


Using all his expertise, he found the young 'hatchling':  a baby Tyrannosaurus Rex which was called Jack.  All of the school assembled together to learn more about this historical event - only to be confronted with Jack's mother - Sophie.  


Do you think she saw us?  You bet she did!  Luckily, Sophie was very pleased to discover that we had taken great care of her child and as a reward she let the children stroke her chin.  

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  • boby 03/07/2018 9:47am (7 years ago)
